Basics of Cooking – Pasta

Cooking is not everyone's cup of tea. Most of us know the benefits for both our health and bank balance, but it's not exactly something you can jump in at the deep end and be making Michelin star recipes by the end of the week. Time and time again I have seen budding cooks try … Continue reading Basics of Cooking – Pasta

Why I Love Porridge

Growing up, porridge was always something associated with Goldilocks and boring adults. I was mainly fed a breakfast diet of sugary cereal (like most kids) and that's perfectly fine. My previous attempts at porridge involved tearing open a packet, pouring into a bowl with milk and blasting in the microwave being careful to not let … Continue reading Why I Love Porridge

The Clean Kilo Has Opened Its Doors

Today The Clean Kilo in Digbeth, Birmingham finally opened its doors to a significant queue of eager patrons ready to explore 'the UK's first zero waste supermarket'. We arrived at about 12.40pm (figuring the initial rush would have dissipated) and were surprised to still see a queue out the door, but we joined it nonetheless. … Continue reading The Clean Kilo Has Opened Its Doors